If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, you may return your purchase from us in its original package with all of its parts, manuals, & accessories, with your original receipt for a refund or exchange. For all items, you have 30 days from the date of your original purchase to make a return with the following exceptions.
- All exchanges, or refunds must have an RMA number for receiving in damaged, or returns. To obtain a RMA number please email info@worldnect.com .
- Items that have an open packaging are not eligible for return and will only be exchanged for an identical item or a substantially similar item of equal value.
- Items abused, altered, or damaged after delivery to the customer cannot be returned.
- If you return an item for exchange the replacement merchandise that you receive will not be refunded, and is only eligible for exchange.
- If an item is received damaged you must report any visible damage to delivered items within 72 hours after delivery in order to be eligible for a exchange or refund. If the delivered items with visible damage is not reported within this time frame, the exchange or refund will not be accepted. To report any damages and obtain an RMA number, please call 800.287.2273 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00p.m. EST Time Monday- Friday.
- To avoid a 15% restocking fee all items must be returned in unused and with original accessories, parts and packaging.
- If the product does not exhibit as described for the RMA may be subject for refusal.